Benefits of Membership
Gain Access to research and Market Analysis
Until recently there were no reliable national statistics on battery sales and recycling rates. In 2010 ABRI undertook a national baseline study and made the results available to its members, government agencies and others for use in the development of policies relating to waste and other regulations. The study is a valuable resource for all members and will enable companies to benchmark their recovery and recycling performance.
Influence the development of National Policies and Programs for Battery Recycling to ensure that they support your business goals.
The principles of product stewardship and extended producer responsibility (EPR) are now firmly on the policy agenda. Batteries have been identified as a target waste product in several states and are also incorporated as components of other target products such as computers, televisions and mobile phones. National framework legislation for product stewardship is expected to be introduced in 2011 to support voluntary, co-regulatory or mandatory recovery schemes for a wide range of products. ABRI Members will have access to model guidelines for effective battery stewardship including take-back and other product recovery and recycling initiatives. ABRI members will also benefit from advocacy and the collective voice of our lobbying efforts with Government.
Membership Types
To be eligible for membership an organisation must meet the following criteria:
Corporate member: is involved in one or more aspects of the business of battery manufacture distribution and sale, collection and recycling of end of use and end of life batteries or waste management of battery components.
Affiliate member (non-voting): is engaged or interested in the activities of ABRI, it meets such criteria as a general meeting of ABRI may from time to time determine and a general meeting resolves to invite it to become a member. Not involved in business relating to the manufacture, distribution, sale, collection, sorting or recycling of batteries or battery-containing products
Join Now
ABRI membership is diverse reflecting the critical role that batteries and energy storage plays across industry sectors and products.
Members and affiliates represent: battery recyclers, manufacturers and distributors; consumer electronics enterprises; state and local government agencies; circular economy expertise; environmental organisations; energy companies; and waste management organisations.
Membership demonstrates your commitment to actively participate in improving product stewardship outcomes and supporting responsible recycling.
Benefits include:
- Policy and advocacy – working with governments on win-win policy and regulatory outcomes to support industry best practice and a circular economy
- Workshops – Presentations and policy discussions from leading industry players and research institutions
- Networking opportunities
- News and information – member bulletins on regulatory and other events, general bulletins
on the latest industry news and research - Training and education
- Brand exposure and acknowledgement of your support for battery recycling
To find out about the benefits and eligibility of becoming an ABRI member, please click here to download the ABRI Brochure which highlights how ABRI can add value to your organisation. To join, simply complete the Membership Application Form and email it to secretariat@batteryrecycling.org.au.